
Are you ready to increase your pace? Does your idea or your small startup need help taking the next step?

A look inside our mentorships

Forward Technologies is forming a community of founders, entrepreneurs, and technological innovators to begin a focused, data-driven acceleration process. We are looking to create a balanced portfolio of companies, people, products, and ideas that need help navigating the VC and startup world.
During your tenure with us, you will experience rapid development in just a few months. Our model provides up to two years of momentum in just a short time. We help with your product, proof-of-concept, pilot programs, supporting technology, and initial marketing and networking.

We are currently a small group, but our mentor program brings in the right people with the right experience to help each member of our program. Our mentors include help with:

Product refinement

Everything from engineering help in the back end to design and user experience know-how can strengthen your complete product. A great idea still needs vetting and trials to mold it into a great product. Our experienced mentors know how to help in what every area you are currently lacking.

C-level experience

When you are ready to take the first expansion and stop wearing every hat yourself, our mentorship can help find great people for any role. You are putting your business in the hands of you top management people, so finding the right ones is essential to early success.

Business development

More than just networking and introductions, real business development creates lasting customer-focused relationships. It's not enough to provide a great product, you also need to have an understanding of what business need your product can fulfill for each customer. Forming these early business relationships is key to a successful early stage launch.

Market analysis

Whether we are finding new markets or doing the research to verify the scope and reach of your product, knowing your market is a key step that a lot of entrepreneurs don't have the experience and time to nail down. Our market analysis experts bring years of experience and keen insight that combines with your product or business plan to deliver quick results.

Program Details

As part of our program, we provide interaction and task-focused assistance from a team of experts. We also encourage our program members to communicate with each other and share stories of success and failures across disparate fields and disciplines. Learning and development are part of our essential metrics for success in our program.


We offer the chance to meet the right people, and to see what you can offer each other. Regular seminars, work sessions, and collaborative workshops get you talking shop right out of the gate with top experts in your field.


Beyond our initial investment in you, we help prepare you for the next round, offering help with presentations, networking, due diligence, and all of the necessary fundamentals to take you to the next stage.


Participants in the program might be ready to package and partner their product with complementary businesses. We help you find opportunities and make the decision that's right for you.

Demo Day

When ready, we provide the support you need to participate in our demo days. We also help cultivate the right audience for your product.